Crime and Traffic Incidents Statistics Report 2015 looks at a whole range of criminal cases that have been reported in 2015. Offences are of two types that is, major and minor criminal and traffic offences. Criminal offences are further divided into three categories which are; offences against person, offences related to property and offences against public tranquility.

From January to December 2015, a total of 1,909,685 cases both criminal and traffic offences were reported in police stations in the country, compared with 1,654,247 cases reported during the same period in 2014. This is an increase of 255,438 cases, which is equivalent to 15.4 percent.

The number of criminal offences reported in 2015 was 519,203, compared with 528,575 that were reported in 2014. This is an increase of 264,810 offences, which is equivalent to 23.5 percent. In 2015 at national level, the number of major traffic offences reported were 8,777 which caused 3,574 deaths and injuries to 9,993 persons.

In terms of road safety incidents, a total of 1,390,482 offences were reported in 2015 compared to 1,125,672 in 2014. This is an increase of 264,810 offences, which is equivalent to 23.5 percent. In 2015 at national level, the number of major traffic offences reported were 8,777 which caused 3,574 deaths and injuries to 9,993 persons.

Click Here to ReadDownload the Crime Statistics Report Jan - Dec 2015 . . .   (PDF Format)