In 2022, real GDP was 141,872,730 million shillings compared to 135,478,189 million shillings recorded in 2021, equivalent to a growth of 4.7 percent. The growth was driven by: Government measures to contain the impact of war in Ukraine; strategic investment in energy, water, health, education, roads, railways and airports infrastructure; increased production of minerals particularly coal, gypsum, salt, diamonds, limestone and copper; and increased tourism activities. However, the growth rate slowed down by 0.2 percentage point from 4.9 percent growth recorded in 2021 mainly due to the impact of war in Ukraine which escalated production costs as well as the climate change spill over which affected agriculture production in some areas. Economic activities which recorded the highest growth during the period under review included: arts and entertainment (19.0 percent); mining and quarrying (10.9 percent); financial and insurance (9.2 percent); accommodation and food service (9.0 percent); and electricity (7.6 percent).

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