This report presents the final results of the seventh scientific round of Tanzania Mainland HBS 2017/18 which was conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The key findings from the HBS 2017/18 is that the Standard of living of the Population in general has improved very significantly in recent years. This is reflected in reduction of incidence of poverty especially in the Rural Areas and improvement in the access of services and facilities.

The analysis of 2017/18 household consumption basket indicates that the basket is still dominated by food. More than half of the basket is food consumption (59.9%), an increase of 4 percentage points as compared to consumption basket in 2011/12. The share of food in the basket is higher in Rural Areas (63.2%) than Urban Areas (52.6%). Mean Monthly Household consumption expenditure per capita in Tanzania Mainland increased from Tanzania Shillings 51,689 in 2007 to Tanzania Shillings 113,854 in 2017/18 at nominal prises.

From HBS 2017/18 consumption data, food poverty line and basic needs poverty line, were estimated. The basic needs approach is used to measure absolute poverty in Tanzania Mainland. It attempts to define the absolute minimum resources necessary for long-term physical well-being in terms of consumption of goods. Poverty lines are then defined as the amount of consumption required to satisfy those needs.

Using the HBS 2017/18 data and based on the lower poverty line, the estimated Basic Needs Poverty Line for Tanzania Mainland was TZS 49,320 per adult equivalent per month, and the Food Poverty Line is TZS 33,748 per adult equivalent per month.