Tanzania has prepared the National Plan for Development of Statistics, known as Tanzania Statistical Master Plan (TSMP) that will ensure improved coordination, raise statistical awareness and production of good statistics in the country.

The National Bureau of Statistics in collaboration with the Office of the Chief Government Statistician Zanzibar are supervising the TSMP development process on behalf of the Government. TSMP aims at providing strategic directions and appropriate mechanisms for guiding and accelerating the development of sustainable statistical capacity in the country.

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The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania through the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and the Office of the Chief Government Statistician - Zanzibar (OCGS), in collaboration with key statistical stakeholders, developed and successfully implemented its first five-year Tanzania Statistical Master Plan (TSMP I) - 2011/12 - 2015/16). However, the Plan implementation was extended by two years from 2016/17 to 2017/18). Among other factors, the delay was due to challenges at the start of the construction activities which necessitated allowance for completion of the two Statistics Office premises for Tanzania Mainland and Tanzania Zanzibar.

The main objective of TSMP I was to strengthen the National Statistical System (NSS) in Tanzania to enable it produce quality statistics for decision making in an objective, timely, and cost-effective manner.

The TSMP I had the following components: -

i. Institutional Development and Legal Reform,

ii. Human Resource Development,

iii. Development of Statistical Infrastructure,

iv. Data Development and Dissemination, and

v. Physical Infrastructure and Equipment

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