Hali ya Usalama wa Chakula
Since 2020, the COMESA Secretariat, in partnership with Statistics Norway (SSB), has been implementing a project focused on strengthening capacity in food security statistics among COMESA Member States. The main goal of the project is to improve the food security situation in low- and middle-income countries. This can be achieved through the generation of more comprehensive statistics derived from household consumption and expenditure surveys (HCES), which in turn contribute to the formulation of more effective policies and the implementation of concrete projects.
NBS received a technical support from COMESA and SSB on how to compute indicators for food security at national level. As a result, NBS successfully created a Food Security Fact Sheet for Tanzania Mainland based on the 2017-18 Household Budget Survey (HBS). The analysis in this fact sheet was prepared in 2023/24 under the project “Food Security Statistics” funded by The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). The fact sheet includes key indicators on food consumption such as daily calorie intake per person, daily consumption of fruits and vegetables per person, the proportion of food expenditure in total spending, and the average household cost per 1,000 calories.